Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break Summary

I don't know how it started but my kids have an addiction to the coffee shop. My littlest one especially. I do not remember my eldest mentioning going to the coffee shop at every opportunity even though we hung out a lot in coffee shops when she was younger.
They love their soy hot chocolates.
I just want to say that this soy latte pictured above was seriously the best soy latte I have ever tasted. This is from JJ's on the Drive and I have had them there before, but never at this level. It was so amazingly perfect and it really did set our day off fantastically.

We headed to Burnaby Museum for a scavenger hunt with some friends. It was really quite freezing that day with snow falling earlier. What I didn't realize was that the museum was open for this special occassion but not with all the facilities in operation which was a little disappointing. We shall have to make a return trip in the late spring.

I didn't know I could actually become nauseous on a carousel. This one clocks in at 7mph which is actually quite fast. It didn't help that I had a camera to my eye almost the whole time. I sat out the next round and the kids just kept getting back on.

This is the kind of horse that could haunt my dreams.

I love a young child's view of hopscotch. The skill to properly execute a hopscotch game must come in late kindie or grade 1. Who knew it could be so amusing to watch little ones try to negotiate between a single hop to a straddle.

The best part of course is just being present with so much silliness. I just love the colour array to this bunch too.

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