Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years with friends and family

We rented a house in Fort Worden for New Years with two other couples with children. The turn of the century officer's home was the perfect place to gather with 6 kids amongst us. The layout was very child friendly and the kids literally did not stop moving for 4 days.

We started the children's party at 8pm, with noise makers, funky glasses, crackers and those blowy things.

My child as seen through funky glasses.

Oh, my these two break my heart.

Too much noise for this little one.

Once the little ones were off to bed we began our own antics. I know it is only a game, but way too much silliness happened that I am sure we shall be reminded of for years to come.

**note our festive handmade New Year's bunting banner made by a most talented friend.

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