Sunday, June 7, 2009

First fruit of the season

This morning I was out playing in the garden and found our first amazingly ripe strawberry. It was so juicy and red right through and it was all warm from the sun. My daughter and I decided to share it and even though it was only half a bite each, we were in heaven.
My yard is sometimes in a state of chaos with the children's toys strewn everywhere, but it is also my refuge. I love my little spot of tranquility where the kids and I can play and mind the earth together. I have a lot of work coming up and I am definitely enjoying the calm before the storm. It is great to find time to just simply 'be' with the kids outside. It is not as easy when things get busy.
I am very grateful for this lovely dry spell although my plants would say otherwise. They could use a bit of rain.

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